MY ONLY POEM by Rick Haynes
Hello and a happy Sunday folks.
As most of you know, I am a writer, not a poet but sometimes it is good to take a break from writing and try something different.
So what better than to share my only reasonable poem with you.
I think the title is appropriate for my feeble efforts.

These competitions are so much fun
Thoughts and words, so much to be done.
There's rhyming this and rhyming that
Sit on the chair, whoops mind the cat
Compose myself, now think quite hard
You can't say that, you're not the bard.
A rhyming couplet, now that seems right
Perhaps it's not, I'll be up all night.
A metaphor or pun will do
I'm stuck on that, like super glue.
A comma yes, a full stop no
My friends sit, to watch and crow.
The problems solved, I've got it now
It's easy, when you know how.
As my mind's shut and will not budge
I'll write a cheque and bribe the judge.