PEACE By Cindy J.Smith

Their future just starting
They are called off to war
Told that freedom and peace
Are worth dying for
In their dress uniforms
Buttons shiny and bright
Family, friends they are proud
So it must be all right
But major destruction
Is all that's in store
When Pride and greed unite
Countries declare war
Bullets start flying
Maim all in their path
There is no escape
From their vengeful wrath
The whining of bombs
Raining down from the sky
Mix with the terror and fear
Of the survivors' cries
Gathering up the wounded
In a town now rubble
Eye witness to carnage
Need help on the double
So many lay dead
Friends and enemies alike
No good thing can come
From this unexpected strike
Their camouflage clothes
Covered now in blood
And their nice shiny boots
Scraped and covered in mud
Horrors of war witnessed
Are burnt deep in their souls
They know that their hearts
Will never be whole
How much blood must be spilled
Precious innocence lost
Before we finally admit
Peace shouldn't have this high cost
© Cindy J. Smith Published in Silence