The Witch’s Sigil by Firle Lewis
And what a fantastic poem it is with the bad and the good.

This night, when stirs the very soil And all around do fast recoil, As restless spirits, deeply vexed, Do walk the earth, this world to next... You must take heed, the witching hour, When demons dark, your soul devour, And keep a virtuous, watchful vigil Against the harridan’s occult sigil. For should you sleep, ere sun has dawned, Then curs~ed be you, so adorned, By witch’s mark, your fate is sealed And all your skin will soon be wealed. To save you from this evil curse Beware the route you do traverse - Avoid the stare of cat familiar, And go unto a path dissimilar. Step not upon the crooked stones, Avoid the place of ancient bones, Beware the gaping, ghoulish hollow Else should the ground, your body swallow. Destroy the witch’s great grimoire And all bad forces do debar, Break the chain of evil spell, And send her servants back to hell. Then wash your skin with water pure, All superstitions now abjure, Let not your soul the devil reave, And keep it safe, this Hallows Eve.

Love to all