On seeing this photograph it remineded me of people I had known over the years. Their lonliness, the many trips to their doctors and hospitals, and their constant battle with what little time they had left on planet Earth; I remember their sorrow and their fears.
I dedicate this short, and sad tale to everone I know.
Enjoy what you can, whilst you can.
And remember.
Let the sun shine brightly in your hearts.

The sun is shining yet I doubt that I’ll be outside today.
Memories of the last trip to a golden beach slip into my troubled brain, but they never linger these days.
I look around and see their faces. Why can’t they see my pain, my frustration?
The mind that I once cherished is slowly failing. Like the switches on an old electrical circuit the conduits inside my head are turning off, one by one.
I scream, but no one listens.
Why can’t they understand me?
They call it ... dementia.
I call it ... a slow road to hell.